
The Saudi Arabia Lymphoedema Framework (SALF) is an interdisciplinary network of academics, health care professionals, patients, industry partners, and profit and non-profit organization collaboration. It was launched in 2021 and joined the International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF) in the same year. SALF striven to advance a cycle of continuous and systemic improvement in research, best practices and lymphedema clinical development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The aim of the SALF is to work nationally to uphold the philosophy of the International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF) and to be recognised and collaborates with it and with other national frameworks in other parts of the world.

Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to improve the management, training, and research in lymphology, lymphoedema, lipoedema and related disorders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Our vision is to provide an accessible treatment to patients living with chronic oedema, lymphedema, lipoedema and related disorders across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and help health care professionals to sharpen their skills and knowledge.

Our Goals

  • To collaborate in research with the ILF and other national lymphoedema framework worldwide to raise the profile of chronic oedema, lymphoedema, lipoedema and related disorders nationally and internationally
  •  To promote educational resources based on best practices for health care providers and encourage best practices in risk reduction, early diagnosis and treatment of chronic oedema, lymphoedema, lipoedema and related disorders
  • To take a leadership role in supporting and promoting education and increase awareness among health care professionals, patients and the general public by providing a continues non-profit education
  • To build-up a practice register profile of those qualified to treat Lymphoedema in order to ensure standards of care in the field of Lymphoedema are upheld
  • To support patients in treatment sustainability and medical consultations

Our Philosophy

  • Best practice guidelines are the core for effective treatment
  • Lymphedema treatment costs must be accessible for everyone
  • Contributing to the growing research in this area is vital
  • Multi-disciplinary partnerships between all lymphedema stakeholders in Saudi Arabia and international collaboration will increase awareness of the importance of lymphedema in health care
  • Patients is the centre to all development of care
  • The power is by uniting and working together under one umbrella